A free AI Generator text-to-svg tool to create unique SVG cut files.
Icons in material design style in three styles and four adjustable variable font styles.
A free color tool providing information about any color and generating matching color schemes.
A set of open source neutral style system symbols. All of the icons are free for both personal and commercial use.
A website to search for over 3 million icons, which can be used for free with attribution.
A huge list of more than 500 subtle background patterns and textures.
A collection of customizable SVG-based repeating patterns and backgrounds.
A lot of icons that are free for any personal and commercial use and available as .svg and .png.
An article where Lea Verou discusses the balance between usability and aesthetics in user interface design.
A short article about the best practices of card-based UI design.
A tool to easily generate avatars for your projects by combining expressions, clothing, hair styles and colors.
An SVG world map, where you easily select and export countries and regions as SVG.
A collection of design books for non-designers, recommended by the Stripe design team.
A website with various free mp4 video backgrounds that loops perfectly.
A collection of website color schemes to find a color scheme for your site using the real examples.
A collection of free icons, illustrations, clipart, vector SVG, and 3D assets for your designs.
A collection of successful and popular websites on various topics as an inspiration for your projects.
A curated gallery for website footer inspiration. Find the footers you need and sort by type and style.
A curated list of the best hand-picked dark themed websites on the internet.
Bite-sized hints and cheat sheets about UX Product Design.
A website to find the best landing pages for your design inspiration based on your preference.
Beautifully crafted Astro.js & Tailwind CSS Themes under Creative Commons license.
Create beautiful moving gradients on Framer, Figma and React.
A free customizable collection of SVG skeleton loader UI elements for design wireframes & mockups.
Four sets of hand-drawn, free vector illustrations.
A website to explore faster & GDPR friendly Fonts.
A compiled list of beautiful patterns by different designers.
A large icon library consisting of pictograms that are modern in style.
A collection of simply beautiful open source icons with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency and readability.
A free collection of fun SVG scribbles.
A website with free high-quality logos to help you easily find and using a fake logo.
An adaptable set of optimized, customizable, accessible SVG icons. Ready to be used as images, inline SVGs, or SVG sprites.
Handcrafted recipes to get you started with everything UX — user research, design, usability testing, and more.
An open-source icon system for deployment in web, iOS, Android, and desktop environments.
A curated collection of typefaces that are available under a variety of free licences.
A collection of diverse avatar images, designed to add personality and character to your projects.
A cool website with design inspiration for various website elements and sections.
Get a nice random background from a collection of more than 100 CSS patterns.
A free customizable collection of SVG skeleton loader UI elements for design wireframes & mockups.
An interactive guide for learning about the theory, science, and perception of color and contrast.
A website to create fast and clean SVG badges for your projects.
An opinionated curated collection of UX and product design links, books, articles, and more.
A great curated list of digital design resources from around the Web.
A curated gallery of patterns, textures and visuals by designers & illustrators.
A free collection of 208 SVG Doodles to spice up your online and offline designs.
A list to easily download and copy-paste tech icons in SVG and PNG format for your projects.
A simple tool to get color inspiration.
An open-source design system framework to generate colors and other design tokens for your project.
A sorted list of fonts that are available for every modern OS.
A Collection of 120+ basic SVG shape. Click on a shape to copy its SVG code to your clipboard.
A guide to standardize the design/code of the UI Components based on the 39 most popular Reference Systems.
A search engine with 150.000+ free, open sources icons. You can download them with one click.
A website to search over 600 million free and openly licensed images, photos, audio, and other media types.
A nice article with some design rules you can safely follow every time.
An open-source icons library, available in variable stroke SVG format, web font, Figma, React, Vue and Flutter.
A website to discover inspiring logos sorted by industries, themes, typography style, branding color and more.
AI generated people faces that you can use in your works for free.
A visual & interactive SVG reference to quickly look up how to define SVG shapes, transforms, masks, patterns, gradients, text and more.
A website to find professional placeholder text as alternative to Lorem Ipsum.
Five rules of thumb you can apply to common UI design challenges when building web applications.
A tool to discover color combinations that follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
A curated collection of editorial illustrations and images.
A cool website that generates and shows random, accessible color combinations.
A showcase of the best animation websites.
A gallery featuring the best 5245+ landing page examples.
A great color palette generator that creates various different palettes based on a primary color.
A big collection of icons with different styles and themes.
A website with free multi-color illustration that gets updated every day.
A beautifully curated selection of cool, customizable backgrounds.
Godly is a curation of web design inspiration, with e-commerce websites, portfolio websites, and animation websites.
A free platform of 48 linear gradients curated by designers.
A collection of color palettes on which you can easily copy the hex codes.
A collection of coding fonts with infos about designers, character charts, features, and more.
A nice showcase of small websites by Cosima Mielke on Smashing Magazine.
A collection of a hundred free userpics for your design projects.
A collection of 100 hand-curated mesh gradients.
A list of high-quality free vector Icons, Illustrations, 3D assets, and Lottie Animations.
A nice list by the people of awwwards.
A collection of hand-coded SVG <pattern>'s, ready to be used in inline SVG or however you like.
A collection of 30+ animated backgrounds for websites and blogs.
A cool list of creative portfolios by Muthu Annamalai Venkatachalam.
A curated list of design resources, handpicked from around the web.
A simple tool to help you create harmonizing color palettes.
A website for free and open-source design assets.
Free 3D illustration pack for web & mobile app designers
A feature-packed editor for designing illustrations, patterns, icons, and more.
5000+ handcrafted free line icons for modern user interfaces.
A website that describes the problems with traditional design when they it is used for web experiences.
A small collection of hover effect UI Snippets.
An open source collection of free themes for Bootstrap 5.
A cool generator for various color gradients.
The new design approach by Google.
A website for free, web-ready 3D assets.
A small e-book with tips to improve user interfaces.
An open-source color scheme for UI like font, background, border, etc.
A curated list of design resources from design templates, stock photos, icons, colors, and more.
A free fonts service with a growing collection of professional grade fonts that are free for personal and commercial use.
A curated list of 58 articles in a Twitter thread.
A large collection of links for designers.
A collection of illustrations, which gets updated daily.
A deep dives into powerful Figma features like prototyping, auto-layout, systems, and illustration.
A list of customizable high-quality, open-source illustrations, which gets updated every day.
A collection of beautiful designs ordered by month and year.
A nice collection of the best design practices.
A curated gallery of patterns by designers & illustrators
SVG versions of logos, which are under 1KB each
A set of 15×15 icons designed by the Modulz team.
A flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations, and more.
A big list of web design resources.
A simple, consistent open-source icon set.
A cool website for finding design inspiration and examples.
A shortcut reference for the most important tools of designers.
A website for animation resources and inspiration from around the web.
An elegant icon set by Anja van Staden with more than a thousand icons.
A collection of maxims and principles that designers can consider when building user interfaces.
A list of 558 fully customizable free SVG icons.
A collection of ui/ux design components, patterns, examples and inspiration.
Brad Traversy just released this awesome list of free design resources.
A list of SVG icon libraries discovered in a Reddit thread.
A free set of 67 device icons in multiple file formats.
An open source typeface made of purposely redacted letters, which is presenting content as abstract bars.
An open-source project to maintain a standard for UI and to promote its adherence and adoption.
A large list of free stock images, videos, music and more.
A nice list of landing pages to get ideas and inspiration from.
A big tool depository for things all around design.
A huge list of stock resources, including photography, videos, fonts icons and more.
A cool collection of repeatable SVG pattern backgrounds by Steve Schoger.
A cool website around colors - including palettes, tools, gradients, inspiration, tutorials and more.
A list of resources for designing and building dark mode experiences.
Use generative art for your placeholder images.
1500+ simply beautiful open source icons in multiple formats SVG, PNG, and Webfonts.
A list of websites for free SVG icons, I've gather thoughout the years.
Curated library of colors and fonts for Web Developers & Digital Designers and a curated collection of resources.
An illustration library of people and objects with a range of poses, outfits and skin tones.