SVG Backgrounds
A list of easy customizable SVG backgrounds.
A list of easy customizable SVG backgrounds.
A huge collection of SVG pattern backgrounds by Steve Schoger.
A cool css library for background patterns, which can be easily applied to all elements.
A collection of 100+ free CSS patterns with easily customizable colors.
A generator for low poly triangle patterns.
A large collection of CSS patterns, which can be filtered and colorized.
A tool to create unique, seamless, royalty-free SVG patterns.
A bunch of nice backgrounds using the HTML5 Canvas API.
Repeatable SVG background patterns by Steve Schoger.
A web component for drawing patterns with CSS.
A gallery of CSS patterns, which are also editable right in the browser.
A cool generator for triangle patterns with light effects.
A lightweight JavaScript library for a particles background.
A compiled list of beautiful patterns by different designers.
A huge list of more than 500 subtle background patterns and textures.
A cool generator, which also has a small list of backgrounds created with it.
A website, which combines the most popular gradient collections.
A generator for beautiful SVG patterns.
A collection of shapes created using WebGL.
A site to create beautiful animated gradients for use on your website.
A configurable lightning simulation using canvas or SVG polygons.
Creative website header animations using Canvas and JavaScript.
A collection of pure css animated backgrounds with the possibility to customize.